We’ve been asking, “What’s best for our church in this current situation?”

What to expect for Sunday’s large group service + livestream.

We’re excited to open the doors of the Summitview building to meet together July 19th!

The point is this. We treat people respectfully when we understand that any moral achievement was not merely gained through personal insight.

Does systemic racism exist in America? I believe that systemic indifference is everywhere.

“I can’t breathe.”We first heard those words nearly six years ago out of the mouth of Eric Garner as he lay face down on the pavement in NYC.

It’s easy in a crisis to miss what IS possible because we’re so focused on what isn’t possible.

We encourage you to continue meeting as house churches this upcoming Sunday but keep your gathering under 10.

If you are in need of groceries or financial aid, or want to help, contact these people.