December 24, 2020 “The God of the Shepherds” Speaker: Aaron Ritter Passage: Luke 2:1-21 Series: Evergreen
October 25, 2020 “Hope for Every Lost and Weary Soul” Speaker: Travis Swan Passage: Acts 14 Series: To Each One
October 18, 2020 “God Brought a Savior” Speaker: John Larsen Passage: Acts 13:14-41 Series: To Each One
October 11, 2020 “Permission for Audacity” Speaker: Perry Paulding Passage: Acts 13:1-12 Series: To Each One
September 6, 2020 “Plentiful Harvest, Therefore Pray” Speaker: John Larsen Passage: Matthew 9:35-39 Series: Spark
May 17, 2020 “How Then Should We Vote?” Speaker: Aaron Ritter Passage: 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Series: We the People