You can join in spreading the gospel here and across the nations! Scroll down to read more about the initiatives we’re supporting through prayer and finances in 2025-26, as well as ideas for your personal pledge in joining the Great Commission! Please fill out a pledge form if you plan on donating, either online or via a printed pledge card (available in the lobby, starting April 6).
Personal Pledge Ideas
Give financial support to a missionary
Connect a friend to a missionary to increase their financial support
Utilize your skills and resources to assist a missionary
Befriend someone from another culture
Meet each of your neighbors
Invite someone to a weekly church event (coffeehouse, Sunday service, small group)
Host, serve, or invite to a Backyard VBS
Provide a meal for a new visitor at church
Become a tutor at English Corner on Friday nights
Join International Student Ministry events (Friday night sports, monthly potluck, celebrations)
Volunteer at the Serve 6.8 Resource Center on Friday afternoons
Learn and utilize a tool for sharing the gospel
Invite a missionary to share their story with you
Respond thoughtfully and briefly to a missionary update email
Take out a missionary on break for coffee
Get trained in missionary debriefing
Visit a missionary in their country
Intentionally disciple/parent within your household
Commit to mutual discipleship within your small group
Invest in the next generation:
- Summitview Kids on Sunday mornings
- Youth (middle/high school) on Wednesdays
- 242 young adults & college ministry
Commit to be a prayer partner for a missionary
Watch a Prayercast video to inspire and inform your prayers for other nations
Pray for gospel advance and peace in countries you read about on the news
Join a Summitview Prayer Meeting (find prayer times here)
Pray faithfully for lost loved ones in your life
Severance Church Plant
Roger Everhart has spearheaded a church planting effort in recent years to the neighboring town of Severance. Since launching, he has been recognized as a pastor of the church in Severance! We are raising money to continue freeing up part of his time to devote himself to those church-planting efforts.
International Student Ministry
Utilizing her outreach and language experience, April longs to bring the gospel to the 2,500 international students from 110+ nations at CSU. Raised funds will help enable her ongoing international campus outreach for the ’25-’26 school year.
Middle East
Six individuals from Summitview are planning to move to various locations in the Middle East. Five of those six are currently raising funds with staggered arrivals between 2025-27. Each will initially focus on language learning, with the hope of gospel sharing among unreached people.
We have been supporting missions work in Japan in different ways for several years. Becky and Dusty are both part of teams that are doing gospel work among what could be considered the largest unreached people group in the world.
Some of the most unreached peoples live in a cluster of countries in Central Asia. With fresh teammates and opportunities, Emily will continue laboring in a Central Asian country with the goal of bringing the gospel to a specific unreached people group.
Patrick Galligan moved with a team of three to Hong Kong in 2018. After ministering with the team for two years, Patrick chose to stay and earn a PhD at a local university and continue to support a small church in the city. In 2022, Patrick married Karina, and then completed his PhD at the end of 2023. Patrick and Karina now both work in Hong Kong while helping to lead the church and disciple young people.