What if I told you all you need to do right now to reach that one person is have an open lunch hour after church on Sunday?
What if I told you all you need to do right now to reach that one person is have an open lunch hour after church on Sunday?
What makes me think I can change culture “out there” when I struggle to establish a flourishing culture in my own life or in my own home?
Travis here. I’ve been asking the question lately, “how does a movement spark?”
Have you missed the cookies on Sunday? Now you can make them at home!
As the world slowly re-opens, we’re all asking when we can get back into the building and resume some semblance of normal church life.
Worship is an integral part of our relationship with God. Join us for worship nights!
We are mobilizing right now through partnership with Serve 6.8 to meet needs within our church as well as those of our neighbors.
Our rhythms are all interrupted now, and we need to take personal initiative to make sure we’re not forsaking meeting together