Did you see all the photos uploaded from Summitview house churches this week? It’s fun to see all of us gathering virtually across the city! Check out the gallery here and be sure to add to it this upcoming Sunday!
It’s easy to drift. Normally, our church gatherings help keep each of us on track as we follow Jesus. But our rhythms are all interrupted now, and we need to take personal initiative to make sure we’re not forsaking meeting together (Hebrews 10:24-25). Go to summitview.com/join to be linked up with a house church if you’re not on one, or if you’d like to lead one. And remember we’re all impacted by this virus, so invite your neighbors and friends to virtually join your house church – this is a great opportunity for us to reach out!
We’re asking everyone in the church to log in Sunday morning at 10AM, connecting with other members of your house church via video conference technology like Zoom. We’ll stream the livestream sermon at 10:30AM at summitview.com/livestream