On March 16th, the President recommended avoiding gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Additionally, it was advised that ‘older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions’ should avoid social gathering outside the home altogether.
Because of this, we encourage you to continue meeting as house churches this upcoming Sunday but aim to keep your gathering as close as possible to that maximum of 10. Additionally, we ask the older and those vulnerable in health to stay at home to view the live stream sermon.
House church leaders will be contacted by pastors about multiplying house churches into smaller gathering sizes. Those without a house church are advised to first reach out to a friend to find/make a house church. For further guidance, feel free to contact a Summitview pastor.
The livestream sermon will happen again Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Stay updated on Summitview’s plan for current events at summitview.com/update.